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Student Government Association

A group of students sitting on the lawn

The purpose of the Student Government Association is to listen to the student body, to create and maintain relations between the student body and the greater Smith community, and to advocate for student needs.

Every student is a member of the SGA, which is responsible for taking up campus issues and responding to student concerns. The SGA also acts as a liaison for students and organizations to the college’s administration and the board of trustees, and allocates money to organizations and students for activities.

Senate Meeting Minutes: The Smith Social Network contains the meeting minutes under Documents.


The SGA Cabinet refers pertinent issues to the Senate for legislation, and to the administration for policy resolution. The SGA Cabinet also works to ensure the financially stability of the SGA and allocates money to support events, groups, and individuals who are benefiting the Smith College community. Each class has a cabinet, which includes the class president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian and social chair. Class cabinets work together on class events and fundraisers. Cabinet members are elected in campus-wide and class-wide elections in the spring and fall.

Meetings for 2024–2025 will take place on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Campus Center 204.

Mia Gilmore '27

Committee on Elections Chair/VC of Committee on Appointments


House Presidents' Association Chair

Class Cabinet Descriptions

The Senior Class Cabinet remains in its position for five years post-graduation, and helps plan the first- and five-year reunions. They are responsible for organizing all senior class activities, including teas, pub crawls, wine and cheese socials, senior ball, and senior week. The senior class president also sits on the committees for Rally Day, Ivy Day and Commencement and is responsible for giving an address at Commencement. Advised by the Director of the Office of Student Engagement.

The Junior Class Cabinet strives to connect those juniors who are abroad with those who have chosen to spend their year on campus at Smith. In conjunction with the Lazarus Center and OSE—which provide instructive workshops, seminars and lectures—the Junior Class Cabinet works hard to prepare for senior year and beyond. The Junior Class Cabinet looks forward to the return of their fellow students from their many exotic study-abroad locations, so they can be reunited for their final year at Smith. Advised by the Assistant Director of Student Engagement.


The Sophomore Class Cabinet is responsible for fostering class cohesion by planning events and other community-oriented activities. Previous events have included game nights, movie screenings, and hot chocolate and ice cream socials. Advised by the Student programs Coordinator in the Office of Student Engagement.

The First-Year Class Cabinet organizes events for the first-year class. The first-year class president remains in that position for the following academic year until the incoming class elects a president of its own. Advised by the Assistant Dean of Students, Director of the First-Year Experience.

The Ada Cabinet advocates for Ada Comstock Scholars' needs on and off campus, organizes social activities for Adas (and their families when possible). The Ada President and Ada Coordinator also sit on the Ada Stakeholders Committee with members of the administration. Overall, the Ada Cabinet serves to connect the Ada Class, the rest of the Smith student body, and the administration.


The student senate provides an open space for anyone to come with ideas and concerns about the Smith community. As a governing body for Smith, they aim to be transparent, effective and efficient with every decision they make. Senators are responsible for approving the charters of new student organizations, as well as overseeing the bylaws and guidelines of various SGA committees and groups. They have the opportunity to sit on issue-based committees, with interests ranging from dining to disability services.

Meetings are open to all: Thursdays at 7 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

Get Involved

There are numerous ways to get involved on campus. Each house offers a variety of possibilities for students to get involved and participate in house council activities under the umbrella of the SGA.

Have an idea for an organization at Smith that would have lasting relevance to the community? Is there enough student interest to support such an organization? How do you get an organization started at Smith College? The SGA Chartering Committee can help. 

Submit a Proposal

1. Gauge interest among your peers. Start a list of interested members for your organization. If the list is greater than 10 people, you can start the process of chartering or recognizing your organization.

2. Decide if you want to charter or recognize your organization. The difference between these two types of student organizations is further explained on the SGA Website under “Chartering Committee”.

A recognized organization is able to have a Smith email address, have space on the Smith Student Social Network, reserve space in campus buildings, and use campus vans for transportation.

A chartered organization has all of the same resources as a recognized organization. In addition, a chartered organization is able to submit funding requests to the Finance Committee for events, projects, supplies and equipment.

3. Start a charter for your organization using the sample charter provided. We encourage building off of the current format and not taking away any of the pieces currently in the sample format. In the charter you must:

Fill out organization name and information where it says ‘xxx’

  • Describe the goals and purpose of the organization
  • Describe the frequency of meetings and specifically what will occur during meetings
  • Choose to be funded or not funded by the Finance Committee (recognized or chartered)
  • Choose a nondiscrimination policy (will you allow 5 College Students to join)

4. Schedule a meeting with the Chartering Committee Chair. They will offer advice, explain the chartering process, and answer any questions about the charter that still remain or pertain to your student organization. 

5. Share your charter Google Doc with the Chartering Committee for review. The Chartering Committee will help you revise your charter, so that you can be approved. If you want to be a recognized organization, you are now done with the process and are now officially recognized by Smith College. Congrats! Once approved, the Office of Student Engagement will be in touch about the Smith Social Network and Organization Leader Training.

6. If you are looking to be chartered, you will be scheduled to attend a hearing at a SGA Senate meeting; this is your opportunity to present and defend your charter. You can set up an additional appointment with the Chair of rules committee to go over your presentation and answer any last questions about chartering, the hearing, and the process.

7. The week after your hearing, the senate will vote on your student organization. Once approved, the Office of Student Engagement will be in touch about the Smith Social Network and Organization Leader Training.

Download an Sample Charter

Fall 2024 Election Timeline

Registration: September 4-14
Campaigning: September 15-18
Voting Days: September 19 and 20
Results: September 21
First Senate Meeting: September 26

More Information

All questions about the elections should be directed to the SGA Elections Chair

Academic Honor Board Class Representatives

Contact: Alexandra Keller, Dean of the College  
One representative from the Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and Ada Comstock class is chosen by the Academic Honor Board each spring to fill open vacancies on the board. All class representatives are selected through an application and interview process, and have tenure until their graduating year.

Advisory Board for the Resource Center on Gender and Sexuality

Contact: The Office for Equity & Inclusion 
The Resource Center on Gender and Sexuality provides a space for many different communities at Smith to come together. This board is looking for students who would like to help foster a space for queer community and focus on activism here at Smith. The board is very interested in supporting the queer organizations on campus as well as forwarding and expanding discussions on diversity at Smith.

Bookstore Advisory Committee

Contact: Jill McGrath, Controller
The Bookstore Advisory Committee deals with issues regarding the Smith College bookstore. Student representatives will engage in conversation with the bookstore management team along with other members of the administration and faculty. Through this committee, students will learn more about the bookstore industry and its constituent roles and responsibilities. The committee meets two times per semester.

Campus Safety Advisory Group

Contact: Julianne Ohotnicky, Associate Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
The Campus Safety Advisory Group is made up of students, faculty, and staff to help guide the policies and practices of the Department of Campus Safety. The committee meets monthly.

Committee on Missions and Priorities (CMP)

Contact: Elena Palladino, Secretary of the Board of Trustees and Assistant to the President of the College
The Committee on Mission and Priorities is made up of two student representatives and members of the faculty and administration who advise the president on strategic, financial, human and physical resource planning for the college's next decade. The committee solicits, generates, and reviews proposals for major projects and initiatives; assesses progress in achieving the goals of current initiatives; and recommends priorities for the allocation and reallocation of resources. The committee meets regularly with the Committee on Academic Priorities, the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation, and the appropriate committees of the Board of Trustees, both to be informed by and to be informed of the work of those committees. Periodically the CMP reports its findings and recommendations to the Smith community at large. Meetings are generally held once a month on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons. Two students (a junior and a senior) serve on the committee, each with staggered terms of two years. Time commitment: two years. Only rising juniors are eligible to apply.

SGA Curriculum Committee 

Contact: the SGA Vice-Chair of Appointments
The Curriculum Committee is responsible for keeping the student Senate and the campus at large informed of curriculum concerns and changes. The committee assists the administration with the college's mandatory faculty teaching evaluations and holds forums to discuss timely educational policy issues. The Curriculum Committee serves as a resource for academic representatives, department liaisons, and the student body at large - traditional and non-traditional students alike.

Library Advisory Committee 

Contact: Susan Fliss, Dean of Libraries
The Committee shall review the Library operating budget, capital budget requests, space, staffing, long-range planning, and other Library matters. The Committee may make recommendations on these matters to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty. It shall consider the way in which the Library's policies and practices can best meet the curricular and scholarly needs of its users. 

Finance Committee 

Contact: the SGA Vice-Chair of Appointments
The Finance Committee consists of the Chair of Finance (aka the Vice President for Finance), the Vice Chair of chartering (aka the Vice Chair of Rules Committee), the SGA president, and ten liaisons. The Vice President for Finance is elected by the student body in the spring of each year. The Vice Chair is elected internally by the Finance Committee in the fall. Eight liaisons are appointed in the fall through the Committee on Appointments. Two Senator liaisons will be elected in the fall through the Senate.

Serving on the ORC is a one-year commitment. Organization chairs, presidents and treasurers cannot serve on the board.

Technology Steering Committee 

Contact: Samantha Earp, Chief Information Officer and Vice President for Information Technology and Service
The Technology Steering Committee (TSC) is the senior governance group for technology issues at the college. The committee guides and advises Information Technology Services and senior management on strategic information technology matters. In collaboration with the CIO, the committee recommends IT priorities, policies and strategies. Throughout the year the committee will: evaluate, review, and recommend changes to IT policies; recommend annual technology investment priorities; provide guidance on the balance of central and departmental responsibilities for technology; monitor ITS plans to sustain the necessary capacity, security, and recoverability of the college's technology infrastructure; and review and make recommendations on new opportunities for Five College technology collaborations. The TSC is co-chaired by the provost and the vice president for Finance and Administration, and is staffed by the CIO.

Campus Planning Committee 

Contact: TBD, Associate Vice President for Campus Planning and Sustainability
The Campus Planning Committee shall consist of, the Provost or the  Associate Provost, the Dean of the College (or designee), the Vice President for Finance and  Administration (Chair), the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Operations the Associate Vice President for Campus Planning and Sustainability, the Director of the  Botanic Garden, five members of the faculty, two staff members, and one student. Faculty, staff and student members are appointed by the president and serve three year terms when possible 

The Committee provides feedback and makes recommendations to the president on campus landscape and exterior design, including considerations of accessibility. The committee shall review all building and renovation projects with exterior design  changes, make recommendations related to implementation of the Landscape Master Plan, recommend standards for campus signage and outdoor furniture, inform decisions regarding campus traffic and parking  matters, and make recommendations about the installation of outdoor works of art.  

Inclusion Council 

Contact: Floyd Cheung, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
The mission of the Inclusion Council is to offer grounded perspectives on how inclusion, diversity and equity -- inherent in the relationships, practices and activities of students, staff and faculty -- are playing out at Smith College. The members of the council shall advise the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion on what’s working well and how the College can improve. The Council has a student from each class year represented and new members are appointed as positions are vacated.

Vendor Code of Conduct Advisory Committee 

Contact: TBD
Smith College is committed to conducting its business affairs in a socially responsible manner consistent with its educational mission and commitment to diversity. To this end, this code of conduct is a working document to guide vendor and institutional purchasers of apparel. The vendor code is a work in progress and will be revised through an active participation in the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) and the Fair Labor Association (FLA). Smith College recognizes eight cardinal principles as the basis for effective performance under this code of conduct: full public disclosure of factory addresses, commitment to fair wages, independent monitoring, freedom of association and collective bargaining, safe working conditions, no forced labor, no child labor, and women's rights. Smith College expects affiliated vendors and institutional purchasers to conduct their business in a manner consistent with these principles and to follow workplace standards that adhere to this code of conduct.

Please contact the SGA Vice-Chair of Appointments with any questions or concerns.


The Student Government Association at Smith is made up of several committees, boards and the SGA senate, and chaired by various SGA cabinet members.

The various responsibilities of SGA committees include organizing class events, appointing students to SGA committees, upholding the Academic Honor Code and the Smith College Code of Conduct, overseeing the student activities fee, and addressing academic and nonacademic concerns on campus.

The Academic Honor Board oversees that every student upholds the Smith College Academic Honor Code. They hear cases of infractions of the code and vote on sanctions, ranging anywhere from a warning to expulsion. The board is busiest when the student body returns to school in September and February, as most violations are reported during finals and the reading period.

Join the Honor Board

Class Representatives

The Honor Board selects class representatives every spring for open vacancies. All class representatives are selected through an application and interview process, and have tenure until their graduating year. See the Elections and Appointments Committee section for more information.

Honor Board Secretary

The Honor Board secretary is elected every year by the general student body in the campus-wide spring election and must be a rising junior. Because the secretary is promoted to chair in the following year, please note that this is a two-year commitment; a student interested in this position may not go abroad. To apply for secretary, register with the Elections and Appointments Committee.

Please contact the Academic Honor Board Chair with any questions or concerns.

The Student Power Coalition is committed to acting as a bridge between marginalized students, administration, faculty and staff to foster change within our campus community. This council came together at the beginning of the fall 2020 semester as a result of a small movement over the summer among low income and financially struggling students as well as from feelings of urgency to address the deep-rooted racism in academic institutions. To achieve this goal, the council pursues campaigns centered on individual issues that are broadly in support of equity on campus. Our objective is to represent the general student body’s demands and concerns. Our intention is to partner with affected students over the academic year to advocate for informed changes on campus. 

Please contact the Student Power Coalition via email.

The College Conduct Board ensures students at Smith College uphold the standards for student ethics and conduct outlined in the Smith College Student Handbook. The board hears cases of alleged infractions of nonacademic rules and makes decisions about the outcomes of cases.

The board comprises 16 students who hear cases in teams of five members constituting a hearing board. Every board is assisted by an adviser who is a member of the student affairs staff.

Code of Social Conduct

The Conduct Board uses the code of social conduct and policies of the college to evaluate cases.

Students should be familiar with the examples cited in the Pohibited Conduct section, but should also be aware that this list does not constitute an exhaustive or complete list of prohibited conduct.

Please refer to the FAQ section of the College Conduct Board page or contact the College Conduct Board Chair for any questions or concerns.

The Chartering Committee is responsible for guiding new organizations through the SGA recognizing and chartering process. The committee advises organizations and provides sample charters and assistance with revising a new or existing organization’s charter. After advising, the Chartering Committee votes on and provides feedback for an organization’s charter. To learn more about how to charter or recognize a student organization, visit the “Charter an Organization” tab above to get started.

Recognized Organizations

Receive all the benefits of being a Smith College Organization, except for the ability to apply for funding from the Finance Committee. Recognized organizations have their own email accounts, presence on the Smith Social Network, access to 25Live, a table at the Involvement Fair, and the ability to fundraise. After an organization’s first two semesters, Recognized Organizations are able to apply to become Chartered. Organizations hoping to become recognized do not have to present or be voted on by the Senate.

Chartered Organizations

Receive all of the benefits of being a Smith College Organization, including the ability to apply for a full budget from the Finance Committee after one year as a Chartered Organization. Organizations requesting to be Chartered must present in front of SGA Senate.

The Committee on Elections organizes and runs the all-college and class elections. It runs the voting site and monitors the candidates. In addition, the Committee on Appointments interviews and appoints students to various college committees. The Chair of Elections works closely with the Vice Chair of Appointments, the Chair sits on Cabinet and coordinates with the SGA Office.

Both all-college elections and specific committee appointments are held in the fall and spring semesters each year. The Chair of the Committee on Elections is elected in an all-campus election. The rest of the committees' members are Senators who are elected through the Senate or non-Senate members who are appointed by the Committee on Appointments.

Please contact the Chair of Elections with any questions or concerns.

The Curriculum Committee serves as a resource for academic representatives, department liaisons and the student body (both traditional and nontraditional students) informed of curriculum concerns and changes.

The committee publishes ASPECTS, assists the administration with the college's mandatory faculty teaching evaluations and holds forums to discuss timely educational policy issues.

Teaching Awards

The SGA Faculty Teaching Award is an opportunity for students to recognize professors who have had a positive impact on their time at Smith. The most compelling recommendations are those that are detailed and thoughtful.

The SGA Curriculum Committee chose two recipients this year, one tenured and one non-tenured. Awards were presented at Rally Day.

The recipients of the 2022 Teaching Awards are:
Tenured: Nancy Whittier, Sociology
Non-tenured:Javier Puente, Latin American Studies

Gavel Awards

The Gavel Awards have been administered by the SGA since 1985 and are given annally to two staff members, one service staff and one administrative staff member, as a token of appreciation for the many ways in which staff members affect the lives of Smith Students. The awards were presented at Rally Day.

The 2022 recipients of the Gavel Awards are:
Erin Cohn, Director Wurtele Center for Leadership
Patti Dion, Building Services

Course Critiques

Fines incurred by not completing course critiques can be appealed by sending e-mail to the Curriculum Committee Chair.

Please contact the Curriculum Committee Chair with any questions or concerns.

The Finance Committee is a group of Cabinet members who meet every Wednesday to review funding requests for the Conference Fund and the Sawyer Fund.

Please contact the VP of Finance with any questions or concerns.

The House Presidents' Association (HPA) is composed of house presidents from all Smith houses that are self-governing. It is dedicated to improving the house community experience—a unique part of student life and a tradition specific to Smith. The HPA addresses both the fun and serious aspects of the Smith house community, representing its interests to the SGA and the college administration. The house presidents are elected by an all-house election in each house. The HPA elects its chair and vice chair.

For current house contact information, please visit the house page on the Smith Social Network.

Please contact the House Presidents' Association Chair with any questions or concerns.

The Public Relations Committee oversees all communications for the Student Government Association. Responsibilities include managing the monthly SGA newsletter, all SGA social media platforms, and engaging with the Five College Consortium and Seven Siblings institutions. Please contact the Chair of Public Relations with any questions or concerns.

Mission Statement:
The Sustainability Committee is responsible for identifying and supervising the implementation of various sustainable initiatives on campus. It serves as a primary resource for organizations seeking to address sustainability issues by maintaining open and functional channels of communication between those organizations, the SGA, the Smith administration, and the general Smith community. The Committee organizes sustainability programs that connect environmentalism to economics, politics, and culture.

General Committee Goals:
To continually improve and innovate Smith College's sustainability efforts at the campus level and the institutional level.

To facilitate conversation and collaboration among environmental organizations and representatives on campus.

Specific Goals for this Semester:

  • Find alternatives to certain packaging and utensils that are not compostable within dining halls and cafes. 
  • Cooperate with the Food Rescue Network to reduce food waste on campus. 

  • Create an initiative to implement compost bins outside

  • Add a mandatory module (or make a Moodle page) to improve the awareness of composting on campus.

  • Produce and distribute clear and concise signs that indicate what can and can not be composted, creating lasting awareness for all class years to follow. 

  • Facilitate effective categorizing by improving the waste disposal system within campus buildings.

  • Create a document that lists historical actions, regarding sustainability, for future reference.

  • Support organizations that share our goals and values.

Please contact the Sustainability Committee with any questions or concerns.

Student Funding

There are two types of funding available for students through the SGA. The Conference Fund is allocated each year by the SGA Cabinet from the current SGA budget. This fund is to assist students attend conferences off campus.

The Sawyer Fund is an endowed fund for events held on the Smith College campus that are free and open to the community.

Fall 2024 Funding

Students applying for 2024-25 funding should use the 2024-25 Universal Conference Fund Application to apply for individual student conference funding and the Fall 2024 SGA Funding Application to apply for organization funding, organization conference funding and Sawyer Funding. Both forms are available under forms on the Smith Social Network.

Five College Funding

Additional funding can be found through Five College Funding for student events and lecture opportunities.

Chartered Organizations Funding

All chartered organizations can apply for all funding through the SGA Funding Application. 

Chartered organizations that would like to attend a conference as a part of the organization may apply for the Organization Conference Funding, also on the SGA Funding Application. Organizations are limited to four students if the conference includes hotel accommodations and seven for day conferences where no overnight accommodations are necessary. 

Organization funding come from the student activities fee. These funding policies will help you and your organization better manage the event planning process. Note that the Finance Committee does not accept retroactive applications. 

All budgets are due to the Social Network by 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Finance meeting at which it will be discussed. Finance meetings are every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. Applications are considered retroactive if the event is to take place before the Wednesday budget meeting for which it is submitted.

Example: Submit the application by Monday 5 p.m. for an event to be discussed at that Tuesday’s meeting. That event may be held at the earliest that Wednesday.

Please submit complex and thorough applications well in advance of the event to allow for follow-up discussion with the Finance Committee prior to their approval of your budget. When in doubt, contact the SGA VP of Finance.

Finance Committee Funding Policies

Updated December 2023

The following policies have been outlined to help organizations better manage their event planning process and bring transparency to the Finance Committee funding process.

Finance Committee funds may not be used for the purchase of alcohol or tobacco products.

Finance Committee does not fund organization apparel for personal use. Examples include sweatshirts, t-shirts, sweatpants, etc.

T-Shirts to distinguish student staff at large events and/or where the college administration has deemed staff necessary will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and materials should be prepared to help the Finance Committee understand how it is necessary given your event. Only one set of shirts will be bought per year per organization, and they should be treated as equipment if at all possible (e.g. if it is an annual event). Finance Committee has a limit of $10 per shirt and max one-time$35 dollar artwork set up fee per side of shirt

Organizations may fundraise to purchase organization apparel. Please see the subtopic labeled “Fundraisers/Ticket Sales”.

Finance Committee has an upper limit of $150 for costumes per a film or theater production, with a limit of $300 per a semester. Funding requests for costumes are considered equipment and must remain with the org for five years. Dance organizations may apply for up to $15 per person for costumes for an event/performance once per a semester, subject to the scale of the production. Costumes that are purchased with Finance Committee funds belong to the organization, not to individuals.

Finance Committee will fund conferences if attending the conference is relevant to the charter and mission of the organization. Conferences held on the Smith College campus will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All conference budgets should be accompanied by a short proposal regarding the event’s relevancy to the org and its mission. The Finance Committee will fund overnight accommodations in one hotel room (for 4 students). Day conferences are eligible for funding for up to 7 students using a Smith College Van.

In a co-sponsored event, please clearly establish a primary funding organization. Please submit all funding requests through the primary funding organization. Finance Committee funds will be transferred to one organization only.

Finance Committee has an upper limit of $100 for decorations per event, which will be scaled based on the size of the event and the perceived relevance of decorations. Applications must include the specific decorations that will be used.

Finance Committee allocations may not be used for direct donations to charities. 

A budget that includes food should include a brief description of the relevancy of food to the event. Food must be integral to the functioning of the event in order to receive funding. Finance Committee follows the below guidelines when allocating funding for food at events. Please be specific as to the purpose of requesting theses item, and what you intend to purchase: 

  • $2–$5 per person for snacks, refreshments, or tea.

  • $8 per person for lunch (suggested time: 11:00 a.m.~1:30 p.m.) 

  • $10 per person for dinner (suggested time: 5:30~8 p.m.)

  • $13 per person for meals for a speaker or Smith employee

  • an additional $3 per person for any category for cultural events with cultural food or snacks, to account for potentially higher prices.

Requests for food should include all beverages, utensils, tablecloths, and other dining implements, and those should not be applied for separately. Outside caterers will often provide plates and utensils when requested.

Finance Committee will fund up to $20 per a year for food/candy for the involvement fair or for an interest meeting. Finance Committee does not fund food for general body meetings.

Each student group may apply for up to $1,500 each semester for staffing fees related to parties. For fundraising programming (Ex. Bake sales, candygrams, ect.), a group may apply for up to $500 per semester. These funds do not need to be returned to the Finance Committee upon completion of the fundraiser. Student groups may apply for the full amount for a single event, or may submit multiple applications. 

While the Finance Committee encourages you to utilize this resource fully, keep in mind that you must present an itemized justification of costs in your application.

Student organizations that would like to fundraise via this program must apply to the Finance Committee through the Universal Funding Form. Included must be the breakdown of costs for your event, a brief outline of how you expect to make revenue, your projected earnings, how much surplus funds your organization currently has in its account, and the purpose of the fundraiser. 

Importantly, the funds that are raised by the organization through Finance Committee funding may not go towards activities/organizations that benefit a source other than the organization or its own members. Finance Committee funds are taken from the Student Activities’ Fee and as such should benefit students within the Smith community. The funds that are raised should be reinvested into the organization.

If Smith College students are going to be charged (i.e. ticket sales) for the event, then that revenue must be subtracted from the requested amount. The Committee will subtract this amount if it is not already included in the requested budget. 

Organizations in debt are eligible to fundraise using the Matching Program (Section 3 of the bylaws).

Finance Committee funds mileage for college vehicles. The mileage costs per vehicle are available on the Facilities page of the Smith website. Confirmations of van reservations must be included. Finance Committee does not fund gas for personal cars, and/or zipcars, except in extreme cases in which a college-owned vehicle is not an option. Travel between the Five Colleges will not be funded as students have free access to the PVTA. 

Finance Committee does not fund gift certificates or gift cards. Finance Committee does not fund gifts for speakers, senior gifts, advisor gifts, or gifts for members.

Finance Committee will fund the purchase of a limited number of stoles scaled on the size of the organization/number of graduating members through the equipment fund for members of the organization to borrow for commencement. In their proposal, organizations should outline how the stoles will be checked out, returned to the organization, replaced if stolen and stored from year to year.

Organizations have access to up to 30 free prints from the SGA office. Finance Committee has an upper limit of $50 for marketing and publicity of an event, to be scaled based on the size of the event. Please provide a description of the items being requesting and their relevance to the event. 

Copyrights are necessary for a screening of any film at Smith College. Please make sure the appropriate inquiries have been made through the Office of Student Engagement before applying for funds from the Finance Committee. Organizations must pay license fees for any film shown on campus and may apply for this funding through the Finance Committee.

Funding requests for off-campus events are at the Finance Committee’s discretion. Finance Committee takes the number of Smith College students expected to attend the event and the cost per expected student into consideration. Off-Campus Conferences should be applied to through the Finance Committee Conference fund.

Finance Committee will fund up to $1,500 to cover party staffing including custodial support, crowd control manager coverage. Additional fees will apply, not covered by the $1,500 for bartenders/ID checkers if the organization is serving alcohol in a licensed space. Alcohol cannot be served in an unlicensed location.

Finance Committee does not have funding limits for honoraria; however, Finance Committee takes the number of Smith College students expected to attend the event and the cost per expected student into consideration when making funding decisions.

Finance Committee will not provide funding for recording (this includes videography and audio recording). Finance Committee will provide retroactive funding only for the purchase of music rights, not the actual recording fees, once the Committee sees that the music group has recorded those songs. The committee will provide this funding upon receiving paid invoices for rights and recording fees.

Finance Committee funds rental cars for speakers according to the regulations set by the Office of the Controller.

Finance Committee does not fund senior banquets.

Finance Committee funds subscriptions that are essential to the operation of the organization. Canva is available to all student organizations in the SGA office.  

Finance Committee will fund the travel for speakers or students at their discretion, taking into account the location of departure and the event.

Hotel accommodations for students and speakers generally have an upper limit of $200 per room per night, except in special circumstances. 

Organization Discretionary Fund

Available to any SGA funded chartered organization. Its purpose is to cover qualified expenses throughout the year on a continual basis, at the Finance Committee's discretion. Questions should be directed to the SGA VP of Finance.

Organization Equipment Fund

Available to any SGA chartered organization. Its purpose is to cover any one-time expenses for equipment associated with the functioning of that organization, as the Finance Committee determines appropriate. "one-time" expenses can include those that are necessary every five years or more.

Apply for Funds

Log into the Smith Social Network to access the SGA Funding Application. No retroactive applications will be accepted.

Please Note: You must turn on your notifications in the Social Network as this is how the Finance Committee will contact you about your funding request.


Applications must be submitted by Monday at 5 p.m. to be heard the week they were submitted. Late applications will be saved for the next meeting.

The Finance Committee Chair (who also serves as the SGA VP of Finance) will present the request to the committees for review and will be available for consultation and assistance to students during the entire funding process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long in advance should I submit the Universal Funding Application?
Applications for funding should be turned in, at a minimum, two weeks prior to the event.

When does the money allocated get transferred?
Money allocated from the discretionary/equipment fund application should be transferred by the end of the week as long as the event has been registered in the Smith Social Network..

May student organizations apply to the SGA funds?
All chartered organizations should apply to Organization Funding first. They may apply to other sources of funding for the difference in what the Finance Committee has allocated.

What happens to the money that is not spent?
The money that isn't spent will go back to Organization Discretionary Fund in order to fund more student events.

What does "tabled" mean?
Tabled means that the committee was unable to make a decision on your request due to lack of information and will look at the application on the next meeting. Meanwhile, it is the responsibility of the organization to provide the requested information for the Finance Committee.

What should I do if I need funding for forks, napkins and utensils?
Forks, napkins and utensil expenses are included in the food allocation are funded according to Organization Funding guidelines.

How long does it take for the allocated money to be on the org account?
Money transferred by the end of the week as long as the event has been registered in the Smith Social Network. Contact the Office of Student Engagement for more information.

What goes into a Finance Committee decision?
The Finance Committee makes a decision according to the guidelines outlined in the Organization Funding Policies document.

What is a complete budget request?
Submit all documents by the submission deadline. Any additional information submitted during the budget hearings will not be considered.

I have been asked to attach a Business Plan for my budget request. Is there an example of what they are looking for?
Business plans are an important part of a fundraising request. Here is a business plan example of what the committee is looking for.

How do I get help with my application and event planning process?
For help with your application please contact the SGA VP of Finance. For help with event planning, please contact the Office of Student Engagement.

What happens to my funding if I am charging for my event?
The revenue will be deducted from the total requested amount. If the revenue exceeds the cost, the request will not be funded.

The Universal Conference Fund helps fund Smith students attend a conference that is taking place off campus. Individual students apply through the Universal Conference Fund Application. Organizations apply to the Organization Conference Fund through the SGA Funding Application. Both applications are found on the Smith Social Network.

The Conference Fund is for individuals; the Organization Conference Fund is a fund for organizations looking to go together as an organization to a conference. The limit on the number of people is one SGA van full (seven people, including driver) or 4 people. The organization's treasurer would apply for the Conference Fund if the org wants to take a SGA van.  

The SGA sets aside a contribution from their operating budget to support the Universal Conference Fund to assist students in need of financial support to pursue outside academic opportunities in the form of conferences. There are limited funds available for the Conference Fund. Students must state whether or not they have applied and successfully received Conference Fund funding previously in the academic year for which they are applying. Students must outline the differences between each application and explain the necessity for going to each event.


The 2022-23 Universal Conference Fund Application is available through the Smith Social Network.

Please Note: You must turn on your notifications in the Social Network as this is how the Finance Committee will contact you about your funding request.


Applications must be submitted by Monday at 5 p.m. to be heard the week they were submitted. Late applications will be saved for the next meeting.

The SGA VP of Finance will present the request to the Finance Committee for review and will be available for consultation and assistance to students during the entire funding process.

The SGA Sawyer Fund helps fund an event held on the Smith College campus. Any individual or organization in the Smith community may apply. The event must be free of charge and open to all Smith students and the larger community.

Bringing Speakers to Campus

If bringing a speaker from outside of Smith, signed contracts with invited speakers should be filed in the Office of Student Engagement.


Students may apply for the Sawyer Fund using the Fall 2023 SGA Funding Application.

Please Note: You must turn on your notifications in the Social Network as this is how Finance and ORC will contact you about your funding request.

Planning an Event

Once your request has been approved, a member of the Office of Student Engagement can advise you on the managing of the logistics of your event, from locating the space to planning refreshments.

SGA Budget

The operating budget for the Student Government Association comes out of the Student Activities Fee, which is a part of every student’s tuition.

The Operating Budget briefly describes each SGA account; how much money each account was allocated last year; how much money each account spent last year; and how much money the SGA has allocated for the current year. Open the Student Government Association 2023–24 Budget (PDF).

Any questions regarding the SGA budget should be directed to the vice president of finance.

Student Vehicle Usage

Smith College has a pool of Facilities Management vehicles that student groups and houses can reserve. If you have questions or concerns, please contact or 413-585-4950.

We have a comprehensive guide on how to reserve vans. If you have any further questions, please email When making van reservation requests, please include VAN REQUEST in the title of the event, especially if your organization doesn’t usually request vans, so that the SGA Office is aware it is a van request and can process it accordingly. 

Organizations can use the vans for off-campus events and trips. You may not use vans for hauling equipment or for personal reasons. 

We ask that van requests are submitted at least one week before the date of van use. If requests are received less than a week before the event, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to process the request.

Maximum Vans Per Request

Typically, we are only able to accommodate two vans per request, especially on the weekends. Requests for three vans will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Each van needs two registered drivers. Registration is valid from August of one year to August of the next. Any drivers who were previously registered but have not re-registered since August 2023 need to update their credentials and re-do the class. We have a PowerPoint presentation that gives step-by-step instructions on how to become driver credentialed as well as other van policies and guidelines. If you're having any issues or have any questions about driver registration and your certification status please reach out to

We have a strike system for the vans. An organization may obtain three (3) strikes in a semester before its van usage privileges are revoked until the first day of classes the following semester. Strikes include missing van reservations, forgetting to return key packets, last-minute cancellations, and other situations as they arise. The organization will be notified once it has incurred two strikes and is at risk of losing van privileges. After three strikes, the organization’s van requests for the remainder of the semester will be canceled, and it cannot submit another van request until the first day of the next semester. For example, if you lose your van privileges during the fall semester, you won’t be able to request vans until the first day of classes of the spring semester.

Cancellation Policy

In the event you need to cancel your van reservation, please contact the SGA Office immediately. For a cancellation within 24 hours of the reservation, please email both the SGA Office and Facilities. There are other organizations in need of vans, and we often have a waitlist. If we know about a cancellation in a reasonable amount of time, it will not count as a strike against your organization.

Weather-Related Cancellations

We’re reaching the point in the semester where the weather is starting to change. Facilities reserves the right to determine if it’s safe to drive the vans or not, especially as it gets snowier, and will be in contact through the Social Network about canceling van requests due to high-risk weather. We ask that you regularly check the email associated with your van requests as well as the Social Network during inclement weather events to remain informed of changes to your reservation. These cancellations do not count as strikes because Facilities determines whether or not it is safe for these events to happen.

Contact Student Government

Campus Center Lower Level
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063

Phone: 413-585-4950 Email:

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 10 a.m.–6 p.m.